COMPARISON OF NUMBERS: Numbers may count in giving you an idea of changes since the 1910's. Here are statistics for the 'bookmark years' of 1910 and 1920, and also for 1990. U.S. Population: 1910: 92,407,000 1920: 106,491,000 1990: 248,700,000 Life Expectancy: 1910: Male 48.4, Female 51.8 1920: Male 53.6, Female 54.6 1990: Male 72.0, Female 78.8 Marriages/1000: 1910: 13.2 1920: 12.0 1990: 9.7 Divorces/1000: 1910: 1.1 1920: 1.6 1990: 4.7 Average Salary: 1910: $750 1920: $1,236 1990: $23,602 Information above from Gordon, Lois and Alan, American Chronicle, copyright 1999. |
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K.C. Yacio's Theatre 61113 Project |